Setting up Radiotftp Server/Client with Radiometrix Bim2A

You want a simple manual to jump into packet radio networking with radiotftp? You have the Radiometrix Bim2A devices ready at your hand with boards and everything? Just follow this guide thoroughly and you should have no problem.

What you need for both sides:

  • Any linux machine with a USB port and a Linux based operating system with FTDI USB-Uart driverDuring the development we have used Alix 2d13 from PcEngines. And during development we have installed Voyage-Linux on them. But radiotftp is also tested on Bifrost OS.
  • Radiometrix Bim2A or similar devices, one for the server one for the client.
  • Interface card for Bim2A. These cards are not sold anywhere but you can build one very easily on your own. The schematic of such a card is below. If you are only planning to use the card for radiotftp you don’t need the audio components (i.e. any component/wire that is connected to the audio block). You can also download a proteus pcb design from my github repository.
  • A USB TTL UART cable that allows CTS/RTS signalling with 3.3 V or 5 V signal level. We prefer using FTDI cables for the purpose.
  • A matched antenna for 70cm band (433 Mhz band). A simple and good antenna is a 70 cm long wire antenna, but you can use a 17.5 cm wire antenna if you want to keep it short.
  • And finally you have to clone the radiotftp software from github.
Bim2a UART Interface Card Schematic
Bim2a UART Interface Card Schematic


  • Assuming that you cloned the radiotftp software to your home directory, cd into the radiotftp folder.
cd ~/
git clone
cd ~/radiotftp
  • You should select the ax25 build, so cd into the ax_25 build folder.
cd ax25_build/
  • It is always good practice to clean and then make. So clean and make.
make clean && make
  • If you are seeing “Finished building target: radiotftp“, you are almost good to go. Now  we are going to create symbolic links to binary files so that we access them anywhere.
sudo ln -s ~/radiotftp/ax25_build/radiotftp /usr/sbin/radiotftp
  • Go to your home directory again and try typing radiotftp, if you get the help text, then you are good to go
radiotftp sends or listens for a tftp request
legal invocations:
Build Date: Apr 4 2013 12:54:33
Uses ax25 link layer
radiotftp mode [-dst] [-b] [-f] terminal [command filename] 
 mode uhf or vhf -b run in background (EXPERIMENTAL, do NOT use this!)
 -f defines a different local filename for put and get
 and defines a different remote filename for append and appendline
 -dstXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX sends the request to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
 default is broadcast Local address settings are read from a 'radiotftp.conf' file
 radiotftp uhf /dev/ttyUSB0 
 radiotftp uhf -flocalphoto.jpg /dev/ttyUSB0 get remotephoto.jpg
 radiotftp uhf -flocalmusic.mp3 /dev/ttyUSB0 put remotemusic.mp3
 radiotftp vhf -dst10.0.0.1 /dev/ttyUSB0 appendfile logfile.txt
 radiotftp vhf -fremote_sensors.dat /dev/ttyUSB0 appendline '{TELEMETRY BATTERY=3.3V}'


Server SIDE:

  • Radiotftp can send and receive files only from the directory that it is running in. It is possible to try to use relative upper directories, but it’s not advised. Unpredictable things might happen. For the purposes of hosting I create a directory in my home folder called radiotftp_host
mkdir -p ~/radiotftp_host
  • Then cd into that directory and create a file called ‘radiotftp.conf‘. This file contains the hardware address (Amateur Call Sign) and your IPv4 address in two lines. An example is below. Note that this file needs a new line at the end of file to work properly.
cd ~/radiotftp_host
nano radiotftp.conf
  • Then run the radiotftp server with suitable parameters. Since we are using radiotftp with Bim2A, we are going to invoke radiotftp with uhf parameter and assuming that your FTDI Usb Uart is mounted at /dev/ttyUSB0 we type in the command below. If you have more than 2 nodes in your network you should also specify a destination with -dst parameter or else the network is most likely to fail.
radiotftp uhf /dev/ttyUSB0
Running with UHF band 19200 baud version
AX.25 Callsign: TA2IAS4
IPv4 Address:
hello radio world!
started listening...
  • If you can’t open the device, the most probable cause is that you dont have the right permissions for /dev/ttyUSB0. To set them right type in the command below. This command will give read+write access to every user.
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
  • Your radiotftp server is up and running, now we can now set the client. But before that, many users ask how to invoke radiotftp on the background during boot. Easiest practice is to add a few lines into /etc/rc.local to cd into your home directory and run radiotftp from there.
cd ~/radiotftp_host
radiotftp uhf /dev/ttyUSB0 &
  • Add the above lines to your rc.local file and during boot radiotftp should be started with root priveleges (no permission issues). Now, you are completely ready to set up the client.

Client SIDE:

  • Client side setup is not so different than the server side. For good practice, I prefer creating a folder called radiotftp_client in my home directory.
mkdir -p ~/radiotftp_client
  • Like for the server side, you again need a ‘radiotftp.conf‘ file for hardware address and IPv4 address setup. Again note that this file needs a new line at the end of the file to work properly.
cd ~/radiotftp_host
nano radiotftp.conf
  • Again for good practice it is a good idea to test connectivity by running the radiotftp as server, on the client side. If there is a connection, the simple hello world protocol should help the server side to discover the client side. If the client side is discovered, you should see a new neighbour message in server side.
New neighbour:
IP =
  •  To send a single file execute a command like below. If you don’t specify a destination address the software will automatically broadcast the requests. This works just fine if you have only 2 nodes. But if you have more than 2 nodes in your network you MUST specify a destination address or else the software will behave unstable, because logically it is irrational to make connection with broadcast IP.
radiotftp uhf /dev/ttyUSB0 put localfile.txt
radiotftp uhf -dst44.140.1.4 /dev/ttyUSB0 put localfile.txt

Client Side Stdout:

Running with UHF band 19200 baud version
AX.25 Callsign: TA2IAS15
IPv4 Address:
destination =
local-filename = ''
remote-filename = 'alpsayin.txt' -> 12
filename-check = 0x02
empty local filename, copying remote filename
tftp src port = 236
remote_filename = 'alpsayin.txt'
started listening...
tftp wrq ack #0 received
sent data size = 34
tftp error received -> TRANSMISSION COMPLETE: Closing in 10 seconds

Server Side Stdout:

filename: 'alpsayin.txt'
mode: netascii
tftp src port = 25313
tftp WRQ connection received  12:37:23.433.952
opening alpsayin.txt
sent ack size = 4
block #1 length=34 written=30
size=34 -> EOF
connection closed
  • Great! Now, you have sent your first file over a UHF radio link. During our development we used this link to send wireless sensor network data collected by a software called sensd. Sensd software is not off-the-shelf ready to be used with radiotftp so we forked it and modified it a little to buffer some messages and relay them to the radio link when the buffer is full. The modified sensd can be cloned from here.
  • If you want to use the modified sensd with a KTH mote, you should clone sensd into your home directory and modify a few files after building it.
cd ~
git clone
cd sensd
sudo make install
  • Now you have sensd ready to be invoked from wherever you want. How you use sensd is up to you, it does original job of collecting wireless sensor network data wherever or however you invoke it. But to make it relay the collected data to radio, you must put a shell script called in the same directory you invoke it. For this purpose I recommend using the radiotftp_client directory that we created earlier. And then we can copy the example file
cd ~/radiotftp_client
cp ~/sensd/ ./
radiotftp uhf -fsensors.dat -dst255.255.255.255 /dev/ttyUSB2 appendline $@
#echo $@ >> echo.txt
  • The only modifications you need to do is to change the destination address if you have more than 2 nodes, and setting the correct usb uart device as in the 4th parameter.
  • After that you should invoke the sensd from this directory WITHOUT any file parameter, and all is set. If you type in a file parameter with ‘-f’ option sensd will NOT relay the data to radio, but instead it will save it to that file.
  • Finally, most users prefer invoking sensd in the boot, for this purpose you can add a few lines into the previously mentioned rc.local file in /etc/rc.local.
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
cd ~/radiotftp_client
sensd &
  • Now your client setup is complete. In the boot time, sensd will be started to collect data. And when its internal buffer is full, it will relay the buffered data by invoking radiotftp for a single time.

Finally; remember that there isn’t much documentation about this on the internet. So if you have a question, ask it below and I’ll try to answer. In such way we can build up a knowledge base.